Sonntag, 17. April 2011

HAARP-Bombe im UNO-Bericht

ALEDIA CENTENO RODRIGUEZ, Frente Patriotico Arecibeño, said her organization had spoken last year on the United States strategy to authorize a nuclear weapons production facility in Puerto Rico, in violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  She explained that Arecibo was home to the Arecibo National Astronomy and Ionospheric Centre (NAIC), which was used as an “ionospheric heater” [an array of antennae which are used for heating the uppermost part of the atmosphere].  Arecibo was also mentioned as a test-site for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP), in a patent filed by an individual in the United States, to conducted experiments related to ionospheric manipulation.  HAARP could function as an anti-missile and anti-aircraft defence system, permit interception and disruption of communications, weather and submarine and subterranean communications, among other things.  The HAARP patent papers also stated that the invention could “simulate and perform the same function as performed by the detonation of a heavy type nuclear device”.
In diesem UNO-Papier wird die HAARP-Anlage in Puerto Rico als Abwehrsystem und als Überwachunsgssystem der Kommunikation und des Wetters beschrieben. Der letzte Satz ist hochinteressant, da wird im HAARP-Patent festgehalten, dass HAARP der Sprengkraft einer heftigen "Atombombe" gleichkommen könnte !!!
