Donnerstag, 1. März 2018

Visionär van Rensburg

Aktuell ist seit Februar 2018 in Südafrika der sozialistische (kommunistische), schwarz-häutige Cyril Ramaphosa an der Macht, der mit Mohammedanern zusammenarbeitet. Nun werden kommunistisch die weissen christlichen Farmer in Südafrika enteignet, Verfolgung, Abschlachten und Armut werden folgen: "Ein Grossteil der Agrarfläche Südafrikas gehört den Weissen. Jetzt macht das Parlament den Weg frei für Enteignungen. "Die Zeit für Versöhnung ist vorbei", sagt ein Parteivorsitzender." (Quelle: Tages Anzeiger) 

Der Prophet Nicolaas van Rensburg, "Siener" genannt, lebte von 1864 bis 1926 in Südafrika. Er war wie Alois Irlmaier ein einfacher christlicher Bauer, der Visionen hatte. Er selbst konnte nicht schreiben, erst seine Tochter schrieb viele Prophezeiungen auf.

Über die Visionen von Rensburg habe ich schon einmal berichtet, nun möchte ich einige Aussagen zitieren, die nicht so bekannt sind. Rensburg sieht Invasionen von Mohamedanern in Afrika und Europa, ebenso ein Erstarken der weissen Rasse, sehr eindrücklich wird unsere Jetztzeit beschrieben. Viele Voraussagen sind für Südafrika bestimmt, einige für Europa, Amerika, Russland und andere Staaten:
Die AK 47
... and is considered to be the most dangerous residential area on earth: "because here," the terrified black inhabitants say: "you do not die a natural death, but through the barrel of an AK 47." The place has become a battlefield.
Grundübel Kommunismus
However, in the same breath he also warned his people against Communism, adding that this was the source of all our problems with the blacks. The Communists plan to use them as cannon fodder in the planned revolution. Blacks allow themselves to be misused because they have been promised a great "reward": prosperity, nationalization, a luxurious Utopia and the enslaving of whites. These empty "promises" urge the blacks on to unprecedented hate and violence.
The Christian values of the Afrikaner would then be in direct conflict with the religion of Islam.
Invasion der Mohammedaner
The Muslim influence has been increasing in the country. They regard Christians as their biggest enemies, and should a Muslim befriend a Christian, the latter is an enemy of his god, Allah. So ties of friendship are taboo. Yet ironically the world’s largest Islamic propaganda centre is situated here in Durban, South Africa!
Fake News
Important news reports are deliberately and openly being withheld from the public, and there is total ignorance about events in the country, for news coverage on TV and radio is now in the hands of the enemy with strong Communist ties: There is a tunnel and the largest stream runs East (reports of unrest and bloodshed in Natal). A wide stream of blue water flows and in front it becomes a sickle (Violence in Germany becomes world news; the local media now in the hands of the Communists (the sickle).
Schwarze und Mohammedaner gegen Weisse
We are in grave danger, our enemies are legion and strong and wealthy. The English, Jews and jingoes incite the "coolies", coloreds and "Kaffir" against us. Even sections of the police and military oppose us in an effort to bring us down. Everything was pre-planned covertly in England between that Government and the leaders here, to send troops at a given time to help them against us. They have been at the ready for some time and waiting to fight against the Boer and his Government. A revolution is brewing here and many of us will be slaughtered. We will have to defend ourselves against them and all Afrikaners will have to stand together to save ourselves from extinction.

Feind versteckt seine Waffen
They are secretly plotting to regain power by means of revolution and violence, which is why British troops will secretly be transported here to assist them. Our army will split; our people will go out from them, but they will be left with everything. The English are very purposeful and their spies are all over. Many people in the country allege they are staunch nationalists, but they are not. The same is happening in the police. Our enemies will carefully meet covertly, secretly import arms and ammunition from England and other countries and store them in all their secret meeting-places and caches. When this has been completed, they will invite all the blacks and coloureds and incite them to take part in the revolution, during which our women and children will face the worst dangers.

Terror wegen Verlassen des guten Weges (Glaubensabfall)
The horrifying slaughter which will take place among the whites, and the terror they will experience, will be their punishment because they did not continue to follow the old ways.

Die Entrückung ???
On 24th June 1923 Van Rensburg saw how true Afrikaner women and children were almost supernaturally taken away to a safe haven shortly before the great trouble started. He also saw degenerated Afrikaners and liberals fleeing the country as there was no refuge for them.
Erwachen und Aufstand der weissen Patrioten
White racism (the preservation of the white race) which has been suppressed by decades of brainwashing and exaggerated feelings of guilt, would, according to the Seer, be resurrected in Europe (the West) thereafter accelerate and rapidly spread throughout the whole world.
Invasion der Mohammedaner beginnt im Nordosten Europas
There is war in Europe, first in the northeast and then in the south, the Muslim movement also makes its influence felt in South Africa.
(Quelle: Voice of a Prophet)

Die Visionen decken sich mit Irlmaier, mit Hildegard von Bingen, mit der Dame aus Norwegen und mit Korkowski. Im Video werden zusätzliche Voraussagen aus dem Buch "Voice of a Prophet" (1999) erwähnt, wie beispielsweise Kriegsbeginn im April oder Mai (ohne Jahresangabe):


Nachtrag vom 4. März 2018

Weisser Genozid in Süd-Afrika