Donnerstag, 15. April 2021


Die Recherche im folgenden Video zum frisierten Laborvirus wird auch von David Asher bestätigt. Ob ein kommunistisches Kampfstoffprogramm für die Covid-Pandemie verantwortlich ist, kann zurzeit noch nicht bewiesen werden, da das kommunistische Regime viele Daten vernichtete und Zeugen beseitigte:
The former lead investigator who spearheaded a taskforce for the US government into the origins of COVID-19 has declared the virus may have been the result of work done for a biological weapons program in Wuhan. David Asher – a now senior fellow at the Hudson Institute – spoke to Sky News about investigations into the origins of COVID-19 and suspicions as to who may have been first infected with the virus in Wuhan. He spoke of work undertaken at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as well as the theory it may have developed SARS-COV-2 while working on a potential coronavirus vaccine. The possible vaccine was potentially being developed as an antidote to a bioweapen, he said. "Whether they were developing this vaccine, if it exists, as an antidote ... hard to know," he told Sky News host Sharri Markson. "There's going to be the need for a huge global investigation, well beyond the WHO". He said events and information have arisen which "made us feel the Wuhan Institute was highly probably the source of the COVID epidemic". (Quelle: sky news)

Labor in Wuhan: Viren mit CRISPR genetisch verändert und in menschliche Zellen eingebracht
Hier noch eine ausführliche Berichterstattung von David Asher:

Eine interessante Zusammenstellung:

Nachtrag vom 23. April 2021
Das Video ist schon weg, hier der Text zum Lesen: